Welcome to the NaPA project page!

NaPA stands for: "Nature Positive Agriculture"


The question of what sustainable agriculture should look like is a critical one that demands us to rise above ideological debates and barriers, as well as steer clear of black-and-white thinking.

At its core, sustainable agriculture should seek to harmonize with the environment, while also meeting the diverse needs of those who rely on it, from farmers to consumers. Thus, sustainable agriculture must be approached with a broad perspective that prioritizes the welfare of both people and the natural world, striving to establish a balanced and mutually beneficial relationship between them.


Unterschiedliche Insektenfallen und Sensoren

Different insect traps and sensors are used for data collection



Measure, analyze, test 

Syngenta has organized a project that brings together organic and conventional farmers from across Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Their shared objective is to enhance insect diversity and soil health in agriculture through data generation, testing new technologies, and analysis methods. This project is fueled by the participants' individual experiences, ideas, openness, and support. The scientific component and measurement of independent, meaningful data are led by the Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change, specifically the Center for Biodiversity Monitoring at Museum Koenig 

Discuss, learn, motivate 

How can climate protection, soil health and biodiversity be integrated into a future-proof system?  
What can nature-positive agriculture - that simultaneously preserves the livelihood of farms and produces affordable food - look like?  

How can other farmers be motivated to engage in nature-positive land management
Farmers and representatives from science, society and politics discuss questions like these at regular round table meetings. The motto is: talk to each other rather than about each other.

Naturpositiv Forum

Regular exchanges take place both virtually and in person.